School Education Minister Anbil Mahesh Poyyamozhi inaugurated a virtual reality library in a government branch library in Lalgudi, Trichy district. This is the first virtual reality library in the state. Chief Minister M K Stalin had announced in the assembly that virtual reality libraries would be set up in 76 libraries across the state. These libraries are expected to benefit approximately 100,000 students annually, according to Poyyamozhi.
According to Poyyamozhi, a virtual reality library offers a unique learning experience from a 360-degree angle, making it easier for students to understand subjects. In Trichy district, virtual reality libraries will be available at the branch libraries in Lalgudi and Thuraiyur.
The district consists of one district central library, 64 branch libraries, and 65 village libraries. The state government selected two libraries in each of the 38 districts to have virtual reality libraries. Each of the 76 libraries will be provided with two virtual reality devices (VRD), costing a total of 6.56 million rupees. The Directorate of Public Libraries has provided training to 155 librarians on the use of VRD.
District Library Officer A P Sivakumar explained that in a virtual reality library, subjects taught in books can be experienced visually, audibly, and through touch. This new facility is expected to attract more students to the library. The subjects available in the virtual reality library include astronomy, deep oceans, dense forests, scientific laboratory tests, biology, anatomy, animal lifestyles, and archaeology.
The inauguration was attended by Commissioner of School Education K Nanthakumar, Trichy District Collector M Pradeepkumar, Lalgudi MLA A Soundirapandian, Director of Public Libraries E Elambahavath, and several others.